Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Recycling = pain!

My boyfriend and I moved into our house back in April. We loved the house and the neighbor is so-so, at best. Not that anything bad has happened but its on the 'east side' so I guess it has a bad rap. I tend to be a bit paranoid when I'm home alone but that's because I'm obsessed with watching Law & Order on Netflix. {I swear that show makes you sure that you heard a door open or foot steps}lol but anyways..

We got a postcard in the mail letting us know when our recycling would be picked up. Ah, recycling. I've always had every intention to start recycling but now that I had a postcard in my hands telling all the details I figured, we'll recycle! We'll be responsible citizens that care about our planet. So I set up brown paper bags that we got from grocery shopping {do we get do-gooder points for paper bags?}in the kitchen and clearly labeled them: aluminum, paper, plastic, glass. I thought, this is so easy! Why hadn't I done this before?

And now it is August. It's 4 months later and we still hadn't set out our recycling. Not once. Somehow we always forgot when to set it out and then we figured, We'll remember next week. This weekend while cleaning the house I couldn't ignore the heaping collection of recyclables that was taking up a quarter of our kitchen. Instead of trying to remember all on my own, I announced to my boyfriend that it was also his responsibility to remember to put it out on the curb. 

We get our recycling picked up tomorrow and the good news is- we actually remembered to put it out! Yay for us! {I'm sure you'd high-five me if you could} The bad news is that we had so much that it all wouldn't fit into the bin that the recycling people gave us. So we had to fold some boxes. I had my box full and went to go down the deck steps when all of a sudden *boom*. Down I went, on the ground, my ankle numb. My sweet boyfriend tried to help but I told him to quit talking because I was so nauseous. My ankle now looks like its hoarding an egg {maybe it can get on that show Hoarders}and I walk all funny and can't get comfortable. But much much much love goes to my boyfriend who has taken care of me and made me ice it and elevate it. Its good for a sprain, I know, but it hurts. He also ran to the store to get me suckers to make me feel better. 

And I do feel better. But I may be putting him in charge of both trash and recycling now. 


  1. Ohh the nightmare of recycling. It is a great idea to do it. But seriously, i never seem to find the time to do it.
    Lovely blog, following you back :)

  2. I thought we were the only ones with recycling issues. We've lived in this house for 4 years now and have put out the recycling maybe (maaaaybe) 15 times. How sad is that?? I see my neighbors green cans lining the street every other Wednesday morning and think "Oh crap! We should put that out before the truck comes!" but then I realize that's my hubby's job and he's at work so what can I do? Oh well. I am a horrible human. Sorry to hear about your ankle! I hope you have a speedy recovery!

    Hopping over from the Totally Tuesday Blog Hop! I'd love it if you would stop by my blog to say hi! :) Have a great day!

    Mandi at

  3. Following you back from life with twins and a drama queen
